Years 1 & 2

Our Key Stage One, Lower School Phase has 3 classes of children who are grouped as mixed Year 1 and 2.

The opportunity to provide three mixed classes over the Key Stage means that staff support each other in planning and delivering a wide range of exciting learning opportunities for the children and children support each other in class and on the playground. Children develop their learning confidence through working in ability groups in Phonics and then with their class teacher for Mathematics and Literacy which means they will work with a range of teachers during each school week.

Learning in other subjects is approached through the learning pathways which explore and develop wide ranging skills and knowledge across all aspects of the curriculum; perhaps they might be a Scientist in one lesson but a Musician in the next. Through their learning pathway and the additional opportunities of after school clubs, trips and visitors; we aim to develop enthusiastic learners who appreciate the wider world around them whilst growing in confidence; independence, responsibility, problem solving and collaborative abilities.

We believe it is important for all children in our Key Stage One classes to learn to think reflectively, respect others and have the confidence to share their ideas.


Learning Pathways

Lower School Curriculum Letter- Spring 1
Lower School Curriculum letter- Spring 2

Year 1 and 2 curriculum letter- Autumn 2

Year 1 and 2 Curriculum letter- Autumn 1