Years 5 & 6

Welcome to our oldest children in school, the Upper Key Stage Two (Years 5 and 6) Upper School cohort!

This Phase team within school benefit from a continuation of the three vertically grouped classes along with a smaller group class for targeted 1:1 and group work in English and Maths. As with all the other year groups the staff work collectively to plan and deliver a range of challenging learning opportunities for all the children. A key difference within this Phase Team however is the very careful planning and support which goes into transition. Moving on up to secondary school brings about a range of emotions in all children.

Our belief is that by ensuring our children are confident, willing to try and always give of their best then they will do brilliantly in Year 7 and beyond.

Life in this Phase isn’t all about tests and transitions though and the children enjoy the same enrichment offer as their younger friends in school. Trips to the Snowdome, a taste of the wild outdoors and participating in sporting events are all greatly enjoyed during the year.


Learning Pathways


Upper School Curriculum Letter- Spring 1

Upper School Curriculum Letter- Spring 2


Years 5 and 6 curriculum letter- Autumn 2

Years 5 and 6 curriculum letter- Autumn 1