Years 3 & 4
Our Lower Key Stage Two (Years 3 and 4) Middle School Phase setting enables us to vertically group children in 3 classes of mixed Year 3 and 4.
All adults work closely together to plan exciting learning opportunities which build upon the skills, knowledge and experiences the children have already developed during Early Years and Key Stage 1 in our school or elsewhere. The Middle Phase of school provides children with daily opportunities to develop further their phonic knowledge in spelling and reading as well as extending their writing and mathematical understanding. Teachers deliver ambitious and personalised learning opportunities for children so that they can demonstrate an ability to know and remember more over time.
Our curriculum also focuses on first-hand experiences which aim to stimulate children's imagination and answer questions they have raised, whilst encouraging them to become more independent thinkers and learners.
Wherever possible we try to use after school clubs, visits and links in the community to add another dimension to children's learning. Children have enjoyed a trip to the bank, a tour around the supermarket and experimenting with food in class. They may even experience the fun of a sleepover in school in the Summer!
Learning Pathways
Middle School Curriculum Letter- Spring 1
Middle School Curriculum Letter- Spring 2