Little Falcons Nursery
Little Falcons Nursery is our flexible provision for 3 and 4 year olds within the School setting where children can spend between 15 and 30 hours of learning time in school depending on parent choice and session availability.
We offer both 15 and 30 hour Government funded places here at the Little Falcons Nursery.
Standard Offer:
Our 15 hour funding is offered as
5 mornings each week (8.40am to 11.40am), or
5 afternoons each week (12.10pm to 3.10pm) during term time.
Extended Full Time Offer
Our 30 hour funding is offered as 8.40am to 3.10pm, Monday-Friday during term time subject to a valid government code. Children will enjoy 6 hours of learning a day as well as time for lunch and activities. Lunch is not provided so children bring a packed lunch from home.
Parents/Carers must check their eligibility for the extended entitlement through the government online childcare service by the specified deadline and share the eligibility code with the school. Three and Four year old entitlements begin the term after their child’s 3rd Birthday.
All additional (non-funded) Nursery hours will be charged at a rate of £16.50 per session in excess of the universal 15 hour Government grant. Charges are reviewed annually.
All children enrolled in the Nursery wear the Falconhurst School uniform, details of which are included in our nursery pack. Wearing their uniform means that they are recognised as part of the wider school community, easily recognised if out on a school trip and are dressed ready for learning.
Nursery Pathway letter Spring 1
Nursery Pathway letter- Autumn 2
Nursery curriculum letter- Autumn 1